Mixing and Matching Antique Seating Options

27th February 2023
Mixing and Matching Antique Seating Options
When you hear ‘antique seating’ you may immediately think of old fashioned wooden furniture that is bold, bulky and difficult to fit into a modern setting. In reality, that couldn’t be further from the truth. Antique seating is available in a wide variety of styles that offers comfort and convenience that can be included in any decor theme.

One of the wonderful things about antique seating is the possibility of mixing and matching antique seats. For example, antique armchairs in pastel colour tones, like this pair of Swedish Barrel Back armchairs, can be mixed and matched beautifully.

This not only adds to the comfort but also gives it a great look. Light coloured antique seating may look plain on its own. But when paired with modern and loud furniture, they can add an amazing touch to the hallway or room where they are placed.

It is important to remember to match the size and mix it up well enough to give it the right size and shape. It should not look out of place but more like it is meant to be.

Having a mix of benches, chairs and stools for dining is quite a trend these days. The right mixing and matching can add a touch of antique as well as modern décor to give your place just the revamp that it requires. Set your eyes on a couple of seating options and mix them up the right way to a beautiful yet comfortable seating area for your family on a day to day basis as well as for your guests who visit.

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